Orbit Crossは、古代中国の陰陽五行理論に基づいた数理統計理論をデータベース化し、プログラムとして実装しました。これにより、個人の特性や適性を科学的に分析し、適材適所での配置を効果的に支援します。
Orbit Cross Profilingは、こうした古代の知恵と現代の技術を融合し、異文化間の調整や信頼構築を促進します。この仕組みにより、個人と組織が共に成長し、新たな価値を生み出すための強力なサポートを提供します。
Orbit Cross has developed a cutting-edge system that digitizes the mathematical and statistical principles of ancient China’s Yin-Yang and Five Elements theory. This innovative approach enables the scientific analysis of individual traits and aptitudes, providing effective support for optimal talent placement.
Inspired by Sun Tzu’s timeless philosophy, “Know the enemy and know yourself, and you will never be defeated,” Orbit Cross applies this wisdom to modern business. By analyzing personality and behavioral patterns, it crafts strategies tailored to specific contexts, unlocking individual strengths and elevating team performance.
Orbit Cross Profiling seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with modern technology to foster cross-cultural collaboration and build lasting trust. This sophisticated system empowers individuals and organizations to grow together, unlocking their potential and creating new pathways for success.